Mario Mayhem - A Super Mario Bros Fan Page
If you love video games then be sure to check out our sister site! It has all kinds of game genie cheats, facts, stats and other random and fun Video Game things that aren't just Super Mario related!
Sonic & Knuckles didn't know what hit them! P.S Happy St Patrick's Day!

New video dropping now! Check out some of these famous musicians favorite video games!

Happy Mario10 Day 2025 everyone!

Today we answer the big questions. Can you jump over the flagpole in Super Mario? Let's find out! Get all of the Mario Game Genie Codes Here!

Take a look at some behind the scenes fun when MarioMayhem was interviewed by the BBC!

Thanks to everyone that jumped in and said hello in the live stream today! You guys are awesome!

Way back in 1996, here in Australia, Pokemon Red and Green Debuted! Happy b Day Pokemon!

Interested in Supporting Mario Mayhem? We have a Patreon Right Here! Get behind the scenes action, the latest updates and be the first to know about new videos and content BEFORE anyone else! Thank you all for your continued support over the years! You are all Legends!

Take care of yourself with a bit of Mayhem now and then!

It's Turtle Khaos!

A blast from the past today! Explore the joys of SONIC.EXE - a creepypasta Game hack, in Short form!

It's Time to bring back an Old classic!
Our Mario Flash Games Section is now accessable again! This page will under-go some changes going forward, but for now it is unlocked again for all to see...not sure how much longer though! Flash has gone the way of the dinosaur...

I Really hope You Enjoy this Old Re-Play of some of the Mayhem's best Game Genie Cheats!

I Really Love This Bowser's Castle Activity Set!

Don't get too scared of this epic Super Mario 64 Creepypasta! I don't think you will make it too the end!

Get the Game Here Now!

I hope you are all keeping up the Mayhem! I know I am, last video got blocked. I am trying to fix it so stay tuned!

I really hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a Happy Holiday season! Thank you all so much for your continued support over these many years! would not
exist without all of you legends!

A larger update today to our Mario Pumpkin Stencils page! Check out some new additions like Princess Peach, Koopa Troopa Shells, Death Stare's all going on! Check it out now!

We are already gearing up for Halloween! Check out this brand new Page Super Mario Bros. Halloween Costume Ideas! Learn how to make your own costumes, find cool outfit addons and more Halloween spookiness!

Also make sure you Subscribe to Mario Mayhem on our YouTube Channel so you can get gaming videos just like this as soon as they are launched!

Does anyone remember this old classic video? Nothing like Hacking Super Mario Bros. 3 using the Game Genie! Make sure you Subscribe to our YouTube Channel now! Don't miss out on more fun Gaming Content!

Also make sure you Subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you can get gaming videos just like this as soon as they are launched!

Did someone mention an update to our Donkey Kong NES Sprites? They were right! We now have more OG sprites from the classic arcade game that was ported to the NES! Enjoy the new (old) sprites!

Get the full article and
Download the Sega Genesis / Megadrive Emulator here!
Also make sure you Subscribe
to our YouTube Channel whilst you are at it!

Well, I kind of forgot the Virtual Boy existed...but I have now made a small page of Mario's Tennis Virtual Boy Sprites! This is a little bit of a work in progress, but these Mario Sprites are hard to find!

Princess Peach: Showtime looks really cool! From the trailers [act 1][act 2] It looks really good! As far as I can tell it looks like it will have a lot of different types of what seem to be mini games, where the game type play changes a lot, which is pretty neat! You can even pre order it now with just a simple download code from Amazon! Take a look now and be the first to play it!

Yo Yo Yo! Check it out! We have a brand new page of Super Mario Game Genie Hacks so please go ahead and have a look at these Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Game Genie cheats for the Game Boy! Fun is guaranteed!

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