Mario Tennis GBC Sprites
Holding the deceptive title "Mario Tennis" this game is actually the third of the Mario Tennis games but the first one on a hand held!
It had a cool premise, choose a character, level them up by beating players, become a pro and then you could even transfer your player across to the N64 via the GB transfer pack!
The game wasn't super popular somehow but the sprites are still pretty cool. So here they are. To Download. Whenever you want.
Full credit to the rippers, you guys are awesome!

gb c mario tennis characters Bowser

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gb c mario tennis characters baby mario

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gb c mario tennis characters donkey kong

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gb c mario tennis characters luigi

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gb c mario tennis characters mario

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gb c mario tennis characters princess peach

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gb c mario tennis characters waluigi

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gb c mario tennis characters wario

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gb c mario tennis characters yoshi

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gb c mario tennis courts and backgrounds

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gb c mario tennis mini game courts

gb c mario tennis overworld characters

gb c mario tennis story characters a coz

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gb c mario tennis story characters alex

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gb c mario tennis story characters allie

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gb c mario tennis story characters b coz

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gb c mario tennis story characters beth

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gb c mario tennis story characters bob

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gb c mario tennis story characters brian

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gb c mario tennis story characters curt

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gb c mario tennis story characters emily

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gb c mario tennis story characters fay

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gb c mario tennis story characters harry

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gb c mario tennis story characters joy

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gb c mario tennis story characters kate

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gb c mario tennis story characters nina

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gb c mario tennis story characters pam

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gb c mario tennis story characters sammi

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gb c mario tennis story characters spike

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