Super Mario Rom Hacks
Ahh the wonderful world of game hacking. I don't know if it's just me, but I love to see a video game changed or modified in some way, especially when it is a super Mario game!
This page is still a big work in progress but I hope to archive a collection of Super Mario rom hacks here for you to download and play on your emulators. To start with these will be mainly NES games but in the future who knows? If you want to see a game in particular appear here then please just email or leave a message below and we will do our best to either dig it out of our archives or search the seedy underbelly of the web to bring it to you.
For those of you that don’t know, a bootleg game is an unofficial release of a game, usually made by enthusiasts or game hackers and kind of breaching someone else’s copyright. Some of them are simply other games re-skinned with new sprites to look like something else whilst others are full on new creations.
One thing is for sure though, bootleg games seem to be missing the well rounded shine that comes with most major game label endorsements.
To download the games simply follow the links below to read a bit of a review of the games and then right click and save as on the rom link.
And lastly, enjoy!

Here's one of my videos covering some of these hacked games! Do enjoy and make sure you subscribe to Super Mayhem on YouTube!
N64 Hacked Mario Game Roms: