Wii World

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27 November, 2009 | No comments

Wii Shop Update!

Hi all. Today I will show you some new (cough) things on the… take a guess… Wii!

There’s been a few updates… and one of them is pretty exciting! It’s called the “Connection Ambassadors Program”.

Basically this is what it is; you get Wii, you connect it to the internet, then you get a friend’s Wii, “help” them connect to the internet, one way or another, register each others codes and boom! 500 points EACH!!! I’ve done it once, and I just got my friend to bring their Wii over. Sounds good! Best thing is, there is no catch at all!

But it doesn’t just stop there! Register 10 friends, and you get every Nintendo-published NES game in the shop. Don’t forget you will also have the 5000 points from each person! Register 20 people, and you will be entitled to… (drumroll please)

Every NES, SNES and N64 game in the whole store!!!!!

Wow! I’m pretty sure there’s a few of them.

More info @ http://www.nintendo.com.au/index.php?action=news&nid=44&pageID=6

Also, there are some WiiWare Demos available, all for free. Sounds good :D >>http://www.nintendo.com.au/index.php?action=news&nid=56&pageID=6

See you guys later :D


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